Elija Cole [elijah.cole.cs@gmail.com], Sara Beery [sbeery@caltech.edu], Austin Smith [amsmith11@usf.edu], Wilfried Thuiller [wilfried.thuiller@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr], Rutger Aldo Vos [rutgeraldo@gmail.com], Briannyn Lee Woods [bree.woods@utas.edu.au], Néstor M. Robinson [robinson.biol@gmail.com], Fabrice Not suggested: sakina-dorothee.ayata@locean.ipsl.fr, Fabrice Not suggested: Mick Follows: mick@mit.edu, Sakina-Dorothee Ayata suggested: Fabio Benedetti, ETHZ, Switzerland, fabio.benedetti@usys.ethz.ch, Sakina-Dorothee Ayata suggested: Alexandre Schickele, ETHZ, Switzerland, alexandre.schickele@usys.ethz.ch, Sakina-Dorothee Ayata suggested: Joost de Vries, Univ. Bristol, United Kingdom, joost.devries@bristol.ac.uk, Sakina-Dorothee Ayata suggested: Guillem Chust, AZTI, Spain, gchust@azti.es, Jean-Olivier Irisson suggested: Christophe Botella christophe.botella@gmail.com, but may be considered as conflict of interest with some coauthors., Jean-Christophe POGGIALE suggested: I'm sorry but I already have several reviews to do and I'm thus now too busy., Benjamin Kellenberger [benjamin.kellenberger@yale.edu] suggested: Apologies for the decline, but I have co-authored a publication with Alexis Joly recently, This was only a small collaboration, though, so if this does not matter I can still accept., Benjamin Kellenberger [benjamin.kellenberger@yale.edu] suggested: Alternative reviewer suggestion: Elijah Cole (ecole@caltech.edu), Sakina-Dorothee Ayata suggested: Jérémy Fix (LORIA, Metz) : Jeremy.Fix@centralesupelec.fr, Sakina-Dorothee Ayata suggested: Cedric Pradalier (GeorgiaTech Lorraine, Metz) : cedric.pradalier@georgiatech-metz.fr
No need for them to be recommenders of PCIEcology. Please do not suggest reviewers for whom there might be a conflict of interest. Reviewers are not allowed to review preprints written by close colleagues (with whom they have published in the last four years, with whom they have received joint funding in the last four years, or with whom they are currently writing a manuscript, or submitting a grant proposal), or by family members, friends, or anyone for whom bias might affect the nature of the review - see the code of conduct