TORICES Rubén's profile


  • Area de Biodiversidad y Conservación, King Juan Carlos University, Móstoles-Madrid, Spain
  • Allometry, Botany, Community ecology, Evolutionary ecology, Experimental ecology, Facilitation & Mutualism, Life history, Ontogeny, Phenotypic plasticity, Phylogeny & Phylogeography, Pollination, Population ecology, Social structure
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Areas of expertise
I am evolutionary ecologist and graduated in Biology. I did my PhD in the area of plant reproductive ecology (University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, 2009). After my PhD, I was hired as Assistant Lecturer at the University of Valladolid over a period of three academic years, combining teaching duties with an independent research line and also starting funded research collaborations about plant reproductive ecology and plant-plant interactions at both intra and interspecific levels. Afterwards, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). In 2015, I was awarded with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship to begin my new research line on the effects of the social context on the evolution of reproductive strategies in plants. Currently, I am lecturer in Ecology at the King Juan Carlos University in Spain. I have a strong background in the study of plant reproductive traits and allocation strategies, at both micro-evolutionary and macro-evolutionary levels, combining observational, experimental and phylogenetic approaches. My current research line explores important questions about social evolution and reproductive strategies that have previously been surprisingly little studied in plants.


  • Area de Biodiversidad y Conservación, King Juan Carlos University, Móstoles-Madrid, Spain
  • Allometry, Botany, Community ecology, Evolutionary ecology, Experimental ecology, Facilitation & Mutualism, Life history, Ontogeny, Phenotypic plasticity, Phylogeny & Phylogeography, Pollination, Population ecology, Social structure
  • recommender

Recommendations:  0

Reviews:  0

Areas of expertise
I am evolutionary ecologist and graduated in Biology. I did my PhD in the area of plant reproductive ecology (University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, 2009). After my PhD, I was hired as Assistant Lecturer at the University of Valladolid over a period of three academic years, combining teaching duties with an independent research line and also starting funded research collaborations about plant reproductive ecology and plant-plant interactions at both intra and interspecific levels. Afterwards, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). In 2015, I was awarded with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship to begin my new research line on the effects of the social context on the evolution of reproductive strategies in plants. Currently, I am lecturer in Ecology at the King Juan Carlos University in Spain. I have a strong background in the study of plant reproductive traits and allocation strategies, at both micro-evolutionary and macro-evolutionary levels, combining observational, experimental and phylogenetic approaches. My current research line explores important questions about social evolution and reproductive strategies that have previously been surprisingly little studied in plants.