ODDOU-MURATORIO Sylvie's profile


  • ECOBIOP-Ecologieet Comportement des Populations de Poissons, INRAE, Saint Pée/Nivelle, France
  • Climate change, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Evolutionary ecology, Molecular ecology
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Areas of expertise
During 20 years as resercher in the unit "Ecology of Mediterranean Forests" (URFM, Avignon), I have studied the contribution of genetic adaptation to the response of forest tree populations to spatial and temporal variations in their environment over a small number of generations. My work mainly focussed on the "real-time" estimation of eco-evolutionary processes contributing to adaptation, and on process-based modeling of ecological and adaptive dynamics at a local scale. I joined the ECOBIOP unit in 2021. My goal is to use my skills to (1) estimate adaptive potential and local adaptation patterns in natural populations of migratory fishes; and (2) model feedbacks between physiological processes, ecological dynamics and evolutionary dynamics to simulate possible scenarios of response of migratory fishes to environmental changes. The applied objective of this research is to guide managers in designing measures that promote the adaptation of migratory fish to global changes.


  • ECOBIOP-Ecologieet Comportement des Populations de Poissons, INRAE, Saint Pée/Nivelle, France
  • Climate change, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Evolutionary ecology, Molecular ecology
  • recommender

Recommendations:  0

Reviews:  0

Areas of expertise
During 20 years as resercher in the unit "Ecology of Mediterranean Forests" (URFM, Avignon), I have studied the contribution of genetic adaptation to the response of forest tree populations to spatial and temporal variations in their environment over a small number of generations. My work mainly focussed on the "real-time" estimation of eco-evolutionary processes contributing to adaptation, and on process-based modeling of ecological and adaptive dynamics at a local scale. I joined the ECOBIOP unit in 2021. My goal is to use my skills to (1) estimate adaptive potential and local adaptation patterns in natural populations of migratory fishes; and (2) model feedbacks between physiological processes, ecological dynamics and evolutionary dynamics to simulate possible scenarios of response of migratory fishes to environmental changes. The applied objective of this research is to guide managers in designing measures that promote the adaptation of migratory fish to global changes.