BALDY Virginie
- IMBE, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France
- Biodiversity, Chemical ecology, Climate change, Ecosystem functioning, Experimental ecology, Food webs, Freshwater ecology, Microbial ecology & microbiology, Soil ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Tropical ecology
- recommender
Recommendations: 0
Reviews: 0
Areas of expertise
Professor Aix-Marseille Université
Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie Marine et Continentale (IMBE UMR CNRS IRD UAPV 7263)
Field: functional ecology, plant-soil relationship, forest ecology, chemical ecology, litter decomposition, soil compartment, Mediterranean Region, mangroves
2008: Habilitation thesis, in Ecology, Univ. Provence, «Nutrient cycles in contrasted environments: from litter decomposition to plant nutrients supply – Functional approach of involved actors »
1996: Ph.D, Ecology of freshwater systems, Univ. Toulouse, «Litter decomposition in a large river under temperate climate: carbon budget - biomass and production of bacteria and fungi associated to litter»
Since September 2016 Professor Aix-Marseille University (Ecology, section 67)
2001-2016: Associate Professor Aix-Marseille University (Ecology, section 67)
1997-2001: Assistant professor Univ. Strasbourg (Ecology, section 67)
2010-2013: Associate Professor seconded to the CNRS for the O3HP platform creation (https://o3hp.obs-hp.fr/)
2006-2007: “CRCT” (during one semester the University paid for replacing me for teaching work)
1997: Invited researcher in Timo Kairesalo’s laboratory, Lahti (Finland) for an European project (2 months)
1996-1997: Research engineer CNRS (Toulouse) for an European project (9 months)
1996: Post-doc position in Kiel (Mark Gessner team, Germany) for a collaborative project France-Germany; post-doc in Lahti (Timo Kairesalo’s laboratory, Finland) for an European project
1994-1996: PhD position in CNRS (Toulouse), grant from the Ministry of research
PEDR and PES (scientific excellence) grants since 2008
• Since 2019: Deputy Director of the IMBE (270 members, 7 sites in Marseille, 1 site in Avignon, 1 site in Martinique, 1 site in New-Caledonia)
• 2016-2019: Research Co-Manager of the DFME Team of the IMBE (21 researchers, 6 technicians or engineers and 3 PhD students, 6 non -permanent position staff)
• co-PI of BioDivMex - BioDiversity of the Mediterranean eXperiment (65 researchers, 11 Mediterranean countries), MISTRALS, CNRS (http://www.mistrals-home.org)
• 2017-2020 PI for Aix-Marseille Université of the Strategic partnership Erasmus plus «Educational Network on Soil and Plant Ecology and Management» and « «International Applied Soil and Plant Ecology Knowledge»
• co-chair of the theme 4 «Chemical ecology in a changing environment» of CNRS Research Network 3658 «Chemical Exchanges in the Environment - Chemical Ecology (MediatEC)»
• Since 2019: Member of MedECC «Mediterranean Expert group on climatic change», co-chair of the working group «ecosystems and ecosystems services» and co-lead author of the « Chapter 3: Challenges for Mediterranean ecosystems and societies » of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1).
• co-PI of scientific council for the EC2CO - BIOHEFECT INSU CNRS call
• 2016-2019: Member of a national committee of CNRS (Continental and intercontinental surfaces, Section 30)
• Member of CNU (national committee of the Universities) (Ecology, section 67)
• Member of AERES (laboratories evaluation 2014 and 2015)
• Member of recruitment committees (assistant professors, one per year since 2008)
• Vice-president of the recruitment committee (assistant professors, Univ. de Provence 2008)
• Member of recruitment committee (assistant professors, Univ. Strabourg (2001-2008)
• Member of IMBE advisory and scientific councils
• Member of scientific council of Biodivmex (INEE-CNRS 2011), of ADEME 2006-2009
• Scientific reviewer for grants from Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2004-2006, and for the International Solid Waste Association 2006-2009
• Reviewer for about 15 international journals in terrestrial and freshwater ecology
• Co-organisation of 8 international conferences or sessions
• 46 Participations or coordination in externally funded research projects (21 international, 17 national and 8 local)
Participation to the supervision of 12 PhD students
- 1 PhD in co-direction, doctoral school scholarship, in progress
- 1 PhD in co-supervision and co-supervision, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada scholarship, in progress
- 1 PhD in co-supervision, doctoral school scholarship (defended in July 2020)
- 1 PhD in co-supervision, Region-labex OT-Med scholarship (withdrawal for health reasons)
- 2 co-supervision PhDs defended at the end of 2014, scholarships PACA Region and Canada. One of the doctor is an assistant professor since September 2018 and the other doctor has a post-doctoral fellowship in Manchester in the team of Richard Bardgett
- 1 PhD in co-supervision defended in 2012, scholarship from Pakistan. The doctor is a permanent researcher at Suparco (Pakistan).
- 5 PhDs with a 20% participation and defended
Supervision of 45 under graduate students (24 Master students)
Member of 17 PhD committees
I started to teach during my PhD work (64 h. at the University Institute of Technology), and since I am assistant professor (1997) I taught meanly 204 and 215 h per year at Strasbourg University and Aix-Marseille University, respectively, except in 2006-2007 (one semester), in 2010-2011 (one year), in 2011-2012 (one semester) and in 2012-2013 (one semester) during which University or CNRS paid to replace me for teaching work. However, even if I did not teach during these periods, I kept all my teaching responsibilities (organization of courses and field trips).
• Supervisor of the second year of Master biodiversity and ecology
• Co-supervisor of the graduate degree in ecology
• Member of the educational committee of the UFR 2006-2009
• Supervision of 5 teaching courses
Education with adults:
• Co-supervisor for the course for young and senior scientists in resilience and vulnerability of agro-ecosystems to global change (2018, Lyon)
• Member of the scientific committee for the course for young and senior scientists in Mediterranean agroecosystems ecology (2016, Corsica)
• Supervisor for the course for young and senior scientists in chemical ecology (2014, Marseille)
• Co-supervisor for the course in Ecology for college and high school teachers (2010 et 2011)
International courses:
• Supervision of the organization of 2-week European summer school of the Strategic partnership Erasmus plus «International Applied Soil and Plant Ecology Knowledge » (Marseille, 2018)
• Supervision of the organization of 2-week European summer school of the Strategic partnership Erasmus plus “Educational Network on Soil and Plant Ecology and Management” (Marseille, 2014)
• Participation to the annual European Summer school of the Strategic partnership (2015, 2016, 2017, 2019)
• Summer school Erasmus Intensive Program «Soil and water» (2012 in Czech Republic, 2013 in Estonia)
• International Research Internship Program (IRIP), San Diego State Univ. (2014)
• Summer school Greencycles II Initial Training Network on global biosphere climate interactions, France (2011)
• International advanced course in freshwater ecology, Helsinki University, Finland (1996)
• 51 Publications in the SCI®
• 1626 total citations:, h-index: 23
Examples of publications:
1. Baldy V., Gessner M.O., Chauvet E., 1995. Bacteria, fungi and the breakdown of leaf litter in a large river. Oikos 74 (1): 93-102. Paper cited 199 times (still cited). The figure 5 was reedited in the chapter: Microorganisms and organic matter decomposition (Suberkropp 1998), In: River ecology and management: lessons from the Pacific Coastal Ecoregion, R.J. Naiman and R.E. Bilby (eds), Springer.
2. Montès N., Maestre F.T., Ballini C., Baldy V., Gauquelin T., Planquette M., Greff S., Dupouyet S., Perret J.-B. 2008. On the relative importance of selection and complementarity effects as drivers of diversity-productivity relationships in Mediterranean shrublands. Oikos, 117: 1345-1350.
3. Chomel M., Fernandez C., Bousquet-Mélou A., Monnier Y., Santonja M., Gauquelin T., Gros R., Lecareux C., Dupouyet S., Baldy V. 2014. Secondary metabolites of Pinus halepensis alter decomposer organisms and litter decomposition during afforestation of abandoned agricultural zones. Journal of Ecology. Journal of Ecology, 102 : 411-424.
4. Chomel M., Guittonny-Larchevêque M., DesRochers A. Baldy V. 2015. Home field advantage of litter decomposition in pure and mixed plantations under boreal climate. Ecosystems 18: 1-15.
5. Santonja M., Baldy V., Fernandez C., Balesdent J., Gauquelin T., Baldy V. 2015. Potential shift in plant communities with climate change: outcome on litter decomposition and nutrient release in a Mediterranean oak forest. Ecosystems 18: 1253-1268.
6. Gauquelin T., Michon G., Joffre R., Duponnois R., Génin D. , Fady B., Bou Dagher M. Derridj A., Slimani S., Badri W., Alifriqui M., Auclair L., Simenel R., Aderghal M. ,, Baudoin E., Galiana A., Prin Y., Sanguin H., Fernandez C., Baldy V. 2018. Mediterranean forests, land use and climate change: a social-ecological perspective Regional Environmental Change DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-0994-3.
7. Chomel M., Guittonny-Larchevêque M., Fernandez C., Gallet C., Desrochers A., Paré D., Jackson B., Baldy V. 2016. Plant secondary metabolites: a key driver of litter decomposition and soil nutrient cycling. Article de review. Journal of ecology 104: 1527–1541, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12644.
8. Santonja M., Milcu A., Fromin N., Rancon A., Shihan A., Fernandez C., Baldy V., Hättenschwiler S. 2018. Temporal shifts in plant diversity effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics during litter decomposition in a Mediterranean shrubland exposed to reduced precipitation. Ecosystems https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10021-018-0315-4.
9. Pereira S., Burešová A., Kopecky J., Mádrová P., Aupic-Samain A., Fernandez C., Baldy V., M. Sagova-Mareckova. 2019. Litter traits and rainfall reduction alter microbial litter decomposers: the evidence from three Mediterranean forests. FEMS microbiology ecology 95 doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiz168.
10. Aupic-Samain A., Baldy V.; Delcourt N., Krogh P., Gauquelin T. Fernandez C., Santonja M. 2020. Water availability rather than temperature control soil fauna community structure and prey-predator interactions. Functional ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13745